Free Rtmp Server

Multi Streaming Server
A Nginx server with RTMP module to send video streaming to multiple services.
If you have an optical fiber connection, you might want to send your live streams to multiple services to reach a wider audience.
If you use Open Broadcast Software, I know it's possible to launch multiple instances, but it has a large CPU cost.
With this project, you can have only one stream to send and the Nginx RTMP server will dispatch this stream to every streaming services that you want. The only brake is your upload speed.
Please note that you also can encode your stream on the fly. If you want to stream to Youtube Gaming in 1080p at 60 FPS and on Twitch in 720p at 30 FPS, it's possible changing the Nginx configuration file.
To work on Windows, this project needs to run a Unix VM (exec command doesn't work on Windows), but this VM is automatically setup using Vagrant.
You also need a software to stream to the Nginx server. I personally used Open Broadcast Software.
Rename the file nginx.template.conf (located to nginx/conf/) into nginx.conf and change its content with your specific data. For instance, you need to change {{ youtube_key }} by your Youtube stream key.
Then, launch this command at the root folder of this project (where there is the Vagrant file): vagrant up
If you see the message 'Nginx is ready to use', you can start to stream. With OBS, change the RTMP URL to rtmp://, you don't need to enter a stream key.
To check that the stream is properly received and sent to each services, you can browse to

To complete this tutorial, install the following software:

Unreal Live Server supports any possible capture device attached to a PC, such as USB digital camera, microphone or capture/TV-tuner card; capturing network streams over WebRTC, RTSP, RTMP, MPEG2-TS, HLS and MMS protocols is supported as well. Free Iptv Server, only iptv free links m3u and m3u8 all formats, for android iptv, smart iptv, vlc iptv rtmp. All iptv are from world wide, Italia Iptv, Uk iptv, German Iptv, Usa Iptv, Albania Iptv, Scandianvia iptv free. Host RTMP is a cloud web service by VideoWhisper. Provides remote turnkey RTMP services for site applications that allow users to connect, interact and stream live video. Allows scaling streaming capacity as necessary (both upgrade and downgrade) without requiring configuration change, restart or new setup. Setup once and then scale as needed.

  • FlashMedia Live Encoder captures live audio and video, encodes it, and streamsit to Adobe Media Server. Flash Media Live Encoder is free so it’sa good idea to download the latest version.

  • You can use any edition of Adobe MediaServer to stream live media, including the free developer edition.For information about installing the server, see Installing the server.

  • This tutorial usesa video player that requires Flash Player 10.

For more information, see Supportedclients, encoders, codecs, and file formats and Pre-builtmedia players.

  1. Open Flash Media Live Encoder and do the following in theEncoding Options panel:

    1. From the Preset menu, chooseHigh Bandwidth (300 Kbps) - H.264.

      You can choose any ofthe single stream options (not Multi Bitrate) from the Preset menu.The information on the left side of the panel is filled in when youchoose a preset.

    2. For AMS URL, enter rtmp://localhost/live.

      Use localhost fortesting when Flash Media Live Encoder and Adobe Media Server areon the same computer. In a production environment, use the domainname or IP address of the computer hosting Adobe Media Server, forexample, rtmp://

      If you’re using aAdobe Media Server hosting provider, they can give you the domainname or IP address of the server.

      You must use the name live inthe AMS URL unless you duplicate and rename the live service. Thelive service is a pre-built application on Adobe Media Server installedto rootinstall/applications/live. For more information, see Duplicatethe live service.

    3. To save a recording of the stream on your hard drive, selectSave to File, click Browse, and choose a location. If you chosean H.264 preset, use an .f4v filename extension. If you chose aVP6 preset, use an .flv filename extension.

      Note that theserver is not recording the file; Flash Media Live Encoder is recordingthe file. To serve the file on-demand when the live event is over, copythe file to the local disk of the server. For more information,see Stream on-demandmedia (RTMP).

      To play an F4V file recorded by FlashMedia Live Encoder without streaming it from the server, use the F4VFlattener tool to flatten the file. You can play FLV fileswithout flattening them.

    4. Click Start to connect to the server and start streaming.

Use the Adobe Media Server sample player to playa live stream

  1. Double-click the rootinstall/samples/videoPlayer/videoplayer.htmlfile to open the sample video player in a browser.


    Substitutethe Adobe Media Server installation directory for rootinstall.

  2. In the sample video player, do one of the following:

    • In the list of videos, click “livestream”.

    • Enter rtmp://localhost/live/livestream, check theLIVE checkbox, and click PLAY STREAM.

      If the media playerisn’t on the same computer as Adobe Media Server, replace localhost withthe domain name or IP address of the computer hosting Adobe MediaServer.

      Use this URL to play this stream from any compatiblevideo player, including Flash Media Playback and Strobe Media Playback.For more information about the sample video player and other videoplayers, see Pre-builtmedia players.

  1. Load the Flash Media Playback Setup page in a web browser.

  2. Enter the Video Source:


    Youcan replace localhost with the domain name or IP addressof the server.

  3. To use the player in your own HTML page, copy the embed codeand paste it into your page. Flash Media Playback is a compiledSWF file hosted by Adobe.

URLs for publishing and playinglive streams over RTMP

Free Local Rtmp Server

Free Rtmp Server

Use the following values to publish a single live streamto Adobe Media Server for streaming over RTMP:

AMS URL: rtmp://ams-ip-or-dns/live

Stream: streamname

Best Free Rtmp Server

Use the following URL to play a live stream:


Rtmp windows server

You can create as many instances of the live service asyou need.

Rtmp Streaming Server

  1. Create a folder in the rootinstall/applicationsfolder, for example, rootinstall/applications/live2

  2. Copy the main.far, Application.xml, allowedHTMLdomains.txt,and allowedSWFdomains.txt files from the rootinstall/applications/livefolder to the live2 folder.

  3. Open the ams.ini file (located in rootinstall/conf)and add a parameter to set the content path for the new service,for example:LIVE2_DIR = C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Media Server 5applicationslive2

  4. Open the Application.xml file in the rootinstall/applications/live2folder and edit the virtual directory to the following:

  5. Clients can connect to the new publishing point at the URL:


You cannot modify server-side code in the live serviceon Adobe Media Server Standard.

  1. Remove the rootinstall/applications/live/main.farfile and replace it with the rootinstall/samples/applications/live/main.ascfile.

  1. Move any live services folders out of the applicationsfolder.


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