Technical Support
Serial Interface Connector Adapter
Serial flow is a stream of bits over a single wire (such as on the transmit or receive pin of the serial connector). For the serial port to create such a flow, it must convert data from parallel (inside the computer) to serial on the transmit pin (and conversely). Garmin PC Interface Cable - RS232 Serial Port Connector Etrex H Legend Vista. Or Best Offer +$4.81 shipping. 2 new & refurbished from $25.00. Essentially, serial ports provide a standard connector and protocol to let you attach devices, such as modems, to your computer. In this edition of How Stuff Works, you will learn about the difference between a parallel port and a serial port, what each pin does and what flow control is.
On-Line Manuals
ULINKplus User's Guide
IntroductionHardware DescriptionDebug and TraceJTAG/SWD InterfaceULINK SWD AdapterConnect to TargetDebugDebug SettingsApplication DebugPack SettingsTraceClock MeasurementFlash ProgrammingConfigure Flash DownloadFlash DownloadSerial Port Connector Com1
User Flash AlgorithmsPower MeasurementTest AutomationµVision WindowsTroubleshootingAppendixThe ULINKplus supports an isolated JTAG/SWD interface using a low-cost 10-pin (0.05') connector.
Technical characteristics
Interface | Description |
JTAG/SWD | Voltage range: 1.2 V .. 5.5 V Clock speed: configurable up to 10 MHz SWO trace capturing: data rate up to 50 Mbit/s (UART/NRZ Mode) Isolation: 1 kV Supports hot-plugging to a running target |
Interface Schematic
The target interface schematic shows the JTAG and Serial Wire interface circuits of ULINKplus. All pins are 1kV isolated and support hot-plugging while the target is running.
Use this schematic to help with board design, and for analyzing and debugging your target hardware.
JTAG/SWD Connector
The 10-pin, 0.05' JTAG/SWD connector offers ITM and DWT trace information. In SWD mode, two pins are used for debugging: one bi-directional pin (SWDIO) transfers the information and the second pin (SWDCLK) clocks the data. A third pin (SWO) delivers the trace data at minimum system cost. The Serial Wire and JTAG pins are shared.
- KEY (position 7) has no pin and serves only as a key to properly orient the connector.
- VCC (pin 1) provides the supply voltage for the JTAG/SWD I/O driver and is required as ULINKplus has isolated connection.
- The 10-pin connector is a Samtec 10-pin: FTSH-105-01-L-DV-007-K connector with pin 7 removed. It's dimensions are: 0.25' x 0.188' (6.35mm x 4.78mm).
JTAG and Serial Wire Signals
Because the 10-pin JTAG/SWD connector supports both JTAG and Serial Wire signals, you can configure the debugger for either JTAG or Serial Wire mode to suit your Cortex device.
JTAG Signals
Signal | Connects to... |
TMS | Test Mode State pin -- Use 100K Ohm pull-up resistor to VCC. |
TDO | Test Data Out pin. |
TDI | Test Data In pin -- Use 100K Ohm pull-up resistor to VCC. |
TCLK | Test CLocK pin -- Use 100K Ohm pull-down resistor to GND. |
VCC | Positive Supply Voltage -- Power supply for JTAG interface drivers. |
GND | Digital ground. |
RESET | RSTIN/ pin -- Connect this pin to the (active low) reset input of the target CPU. |
Serial Wire Signals
The Serial Wire mode differs to JTAG debugging, because only two pins are used for the communication. A third pin can be used optionally to trace data. JTAG pins and SW pins are shared.
- TCLK is SWCLK (Serial Wire Clock)
- TMS is SWDIO (Serial Wire debug Data Input/Output)
- TDO is SWO (Serial Wire trace Output)
Signal | Connects to... |
SWDIO | Data I/O pin -- Use 100K Ohm pull-up resistor to VCC. |
SWO | Optional trace output pin. |
SWCLK | Clock pin -- Use 100K Ohm pull-down resistor to GND. |
VCC | Positive Supply Voltage -- Power supply for JTAG interface drivers. |
GND | Digital ground. |
RESET | RSTIN/ pin -- Connect this pin to the (active low) reset input of the target CPU. |
- Usually, devices do not include pull-up or pull-down resistors on JTAG nor SW pins. Resistors should be added externally onto the board. However, do not add resistors when the device includes them already.
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