Serial Interface Connector

Technical Support

Serial Interface Connector Adapter

Serial flow is a stream of bits over a single wire (such as on the transmit or receive pin of the serial connector). For the serial port to create such a flow, it must convert data from parallel (inside the computer) to serial on the transmit pin (and conversely). Garmin PC Interface Cable - RS232 Serial Port Connector Etrex H Legend Vista. Or Best Offer +$4.81 shipping. 2 new & refurbished from $25.00. Essentially, serial ports provide a standard connector and protocol to let you attach devices, such as modems, to your computer. In this edition of How Stuff Works, you will learn about the difference between a parallel port and a serial port, what each pin does and what flow control is.

On-Line Manuals

ULINKplus User's Guide

IntroductionHardware DescriptionDebug and TraceSerial port connector screwsJTAG/SWD InterfaceULINK SWD AdapterConnect to TargetDebugDebug SettingsApplication DebugPack SettingsTraceClock MeasurementFlash ProgrammingConfigure Flash DownloadFlash Download

Serial Port Connector Com1

User Flash AlgorithmsPower MeasurementTest AutomationµVision WindowsTroubleshootingAppendix

The ULINKplus supports an isolated JTAG/SWD interface using a low-cost 10-pin (0.05') connector.

Technical characteristics

JTAG/SWDVoltage range: 1.2 V .. 5.5 V
Clock speed: configurable up to 10 MHz
SWO trace capturing: data rate up to 50 Mbit/s (UART/NRZ Mode)
Isolation: 1 kV
Supports hot-plugging to a running target

Interface Schematic


The target interface schematic shows the JTAG and Serial Wire interface circuits of ULINKplus. All pins are 1kV isolated and support hot-plugging while the target is running.

Serial Interface Connector

Use this schematic to help with board design, and for analyzing and debugging your target hardware.

JTAG/SWD Connector

The 10-pin, 0.05' JTAG/SWD connector offers ITM and DWT trace information. In SWD mode, two pins are used for debugging: one bi-directional pin (SWDIO) transfers the information and the second pin (SWDCLK) clocks the data. A third pin (SWO) delivers the trace data at minimum system cost. The Serial Wire and JTAG pins are shared.


  • KEY (position 7) has no pin and serves only as a key to properly orient the connector.
  • VCC (pin 1) provides the supply voltage for the JTAG/SWD I/O driver and is required as ULINKplus has isolated connection.
  • The 10-pin connector is a Samtec 10-pin: FTSH-105-01-L-DV-007-K connector with pin 7 removed. It's dimensions are: 0.25' x 0.188' (6.35mm x 4.78mm).

JTAG and Serial Wire Signals

Because the 10-pin JTAG/SWD connector supports both JTAG and Serial Wire signals, you can configure the debugger for either JTAG or Serial Wire mode to suit your Cortex device.

JTAG Signals

SignalConnects to...
TMSTest Mode State pin -- Use 100K Ohm pull-up resistor to VCC.
TDOTest Data Out pin.
TDITest Data In pin -- Use 100K Ohm pull-up resistor to VCC.
TCLKTest CLocK pin -- Use 100K Ohm pull-down resistor to GND.
VCCPositive Supply Voltage -- Power supply for JTAG interface drivers.
GNDDigital ground.
RESETRSTIN/ pin -- Connect this pin to the (active low) reset input of the target CPU.

Serial Wire Signals

The Serial Wire mode differs to JTAG debugging, because only two pins are used for the communication. A third pin can be used optionally to trace data. JTAG pins and SW pins are shared.

  • TCLK is SWCLK (Serial Wire Clock)
  • TMS is SWDIO (Serial Wire debug Data Input/Output)
  • TDO is SWO (Serial Wire trace Output)
SignalConnects to...
SWDIOData I/O pin -- Use 100K Ohm pull-up resistor to VCC.
SWOOptional trace output pin.
SWCLKClock pin -- Use 100K Ohm pull-down resistor to GND.
VCCPositive Supply Voltage -- Power supply for JTAG interface drivers.
GNDDigital ground.
RESETRSTIN/ pin -- Connect this pin to the (active low) reset input of the target CPU.


  • Usually, devices do not include pull-up or pull-down resistors on JTAG nor SW pins. Resistors should be added externally onto the board. However, do not add resistors when the device includes them already.


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